HTML 5- A Quick Overview

HTML is the language that has built the internet as we know it. HTML is an acronym that stands for HyperText Markup Language. The internet, or world wide web, is a network of searchable, hyperlinked documents, and HTML is used to create those documents. HTML has evolved over the years, as does any language, and each version of HTML has changed and added more features. HTML 5 is the newest format of this language. HTML 5 supports content on the internet that is already existing, and it can be used in any browser. HTML 5 introduces new structural elements that can be used to replace certain plug-ins, such as JavaScript, that were previously used for animation capabilities such as form enhancement and rollovers. Many web developers are already using HTML 5, because its coding format is shorter and easier to use than is any previous version of HTML. Overall, HTML 5 is the most ambitious, and also the simplest, version of HTML ever designed.

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